Port Hedland! [The Australian Project]

You'll notice that this blog is a bit more informative than entertaining, that's because this blog is for The Australian Project - a task my school is doing - where you can write about a person, a place, or anything else as long as it's Australian. This (my) text is about Port Hedland! If this is you're first blog here, don't take this as a first impression, normally my blogs are a lot different than this. Port Hedland Port Hedland is a very important town to Western Australia; allowing mining companies to export iron ore, manganese, gold, salt and other resources around the world. - Some Berthed Vessels - - Ship being loaded with iron ore - Port Hedland is known as "Marapikurrinya" by the Kariyarra people, and each syllable means something; marra - hand, pikurri - pointing straight nya - a place name marker This refers to the five tidal creeks that run into the port, each one resembling a finger, of course. - The Five Tidal Creeks - Captain Pete...