About Me

Hi everyone! I'm Cooper and this is my blog. Here is where I'll be talking about the trips I go on with with my Mum - LJ, my Dad - Troy, and my amazing bogdog - Jaz. I started this blog on a trip around the Western Side of Australia, but at this very moment I'm on a trip going around the East Coast!

I post a blog for every location or interesting event that we go to. Though, because of the lack of reception in some places, they may be times where some blogs will be delayed or merged, but I'm doing my best. I try to make my blogs funny and informative. Hopefully they can give you laugh.

We're also on other platforms, like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram! All of which are called 'Travel Monkey' and have the same logo as this blog. Instagram and Facebook are done by my Mum, and the Youtube channel is all of us, but this blog is just from me and my perspective.

This blog site contains an FAQ page, a 'Monkey Map' Page, and of course, all the blogs which I post as much as I can. Most blogs will be written, but every now and then I do one with a special video.

You should also know that I am OBSESSED with the word "Bog". For those who don't know, here's it definition;

1. In most situations, this word refers to something being "bad."
"The movie was really bog."

2. However, when referring to Jaz, this word means "Absolutely fantastic."
"My awesome BogDog, Jaz."

3. It can also be used as a prefix or suffix, then it will simply be a fun thing to say.
"Anybog, back to what I was saying."


I also really enjoy getting comments from people! If you scroll down to the bottom of any blog or page, (like this one, for example) you'll find the comment section. First you should check out the Comments Blog, though.

See ya for now, Cooper.


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