Frequently Asked Questions

Hey! This is an FAQ page, where I've put up answers to things you may be wondering. If you have any questions that weren't featured on this FAQ, ask anything in the comments and I'll answer as soon as possible - but keep it on the topic of the Big Lap, and keep things appropriate as well.

🚗 Are the car trips boring?

I personally don't find them so bad, I tend to some reading and also do some editing of our YouTube videos! We bop onto some tunes, and sometimes pull over on the side of the road to take a quick break and sometimes have lunch.

🪑 Where do you sleep in the van?

The table in the club lounge is very flexible, in can move left, right, forward, back and down! This means I can bring the table lower than the seats, and then there's a cushion that lies on top of it to create a double bed. The cushion is stored under the master bed and the bedding stuff, (including my coverlet, doona, and pillow) have their own cupboard which leans around a corner, making it one of the biggest cupboards in the van... I think.

📝 How are you getting your school work done?

Since COVID 19, a lot of things have switched to being online, which makes learning from a completely different state a lot easier. My school has an online website and classroom, so I can access material from there.

💬 Why do you like the word "Bog"?

Because it's amazing. Despite the fact it means, 'rubbish' that is. Except when it's used in BogDog, which in that case it means, 'absolutely fantastic and all things incredible'. There's also some other reasons but I won't discuss further...

🌄 What if there's a location you can't bring the van?

Believe it or not, we have a COMPLETELY different setup other than the caravan. While the caravan is our go-to most of the time, we have a easy-setup tent on the roof, and a fridge and barbeque for the boot.

🐶 Is your dog actually named BogDog?

No, her name is Jaz. We call her Jazzy as well. I just like to call her BogDog because I'm obsessed with the word bog.

🚿 How do you shower? (Or at all?)

Sometimes I doubt my Dad uses soap, (I'm kidding, don't be mean in the comments!) but yes, we have a shower in the van, and quite a nice one at that. It's the size of any normal shower and overall looks nice and works well.

👀 Where can I see what you're doing?

'Travel Monkey' is on a few different platforms, actually! The blog you're reading now is all from me, but you can see things from Mum and Dad, (mostly Mum) on Instagram and Facebook! We also have a YouTube channel which all of us use together.

🐶 Is it hard bringing your dog, Jaz, on the trip?

With no doubt when I say this, yes, Jaz does occasionally make things tricky, not because of her behaviour or anything, but just because she's a dog. In other words, some places don't accept dogs, which can cause issues. At first we were stuck whether or not we should bring her, but we love her too much not to. So far it's worked pretty well, she gets walks throughout the day and whenever we go out where she can't come, we take her for a quick walk and leave her in the van, later in the trip, however, we'll need to take her to a Doggie Daycare.

💝 Are you keeping in touch with friends and family?

No I'm not, every day I sulk in the car because I have no friends and no one cares about me. If you couldn't tell, I'm joking. I've been keeping up with lots of people, calling and texting when I can, someone I know is probably reading this right now!  see you, Otto. 

❓ Are you blogging in any way?

I hope no one was asking this.

🌏 What's your favourite place so far?

Port Douglas was amazing! I also really love Monkey Mia from our last trip. However, I've really enjoyed Noosa. The reason though is less about the place and more because I got to see some old friends. We made a show while we were there, too.

🐶 What breed of dog is Jaz?

She's a Cavoodle. Which, I believe, is a mix of laziness, playfulness, lovingness, & cuteness.


  1. Hey Everyone! Like I said, if you have any other questions, just enter them here in the comments and I'll add my answer here when I can. Thanks for being a reader of this blog!

  2. I have A question??
    Why do u like the word 'bog'

    1. Because it's just amazing. Duh.
      And also some other things I cannot discuss...

  3. Travel Monkey Person.. What is your real name...


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