The Travel Express has arrived at it's last stop... home.

Home. Hi, everyone! We have arrived back home, and our trip around (most of) Australia has come to an end. I had an absolute blast and I know my Mum, Dad, & BogDogJaz did too. In fact, Dad is very sad that we're not travelling anymore. But, it's been awesome being able to see people again, friends and family. I've returned to school, and I actually got the role as School Captain in 2023! It's also been great being back in our house again... it's been a while, eh? If you followed my blogs, or just checked out a few, I feel very happy that I was able to share my trip with you. I hope I made you laugh and have a good time, as I try to make my blogs enjoyable to read. It's nearing Christmas at the time of writing, and we've got the home decorated and ready. I'm not sure if anyone will even see this blog in time, but if you are reading this in the next 3 days, then Merry Christmas! Our trip may have come to an end, but why be sad that it ended when you ...