I bet we'll still have this fudge by Christmas! [Whyalla & Hahndorf]


Jetty. Fudge.

Whyalla... wasn't much, to us anyway. We stayed for just one night, and our site was near the beach. There was a very cool jetty here, and was a shape kinda like this;

                 *          *
                 *           *                                     ...

... it was two circles. ANYWAY we played Up & Down the River again, and then we left, we really didn't do much.

At Hahndorf, however, Mum went on a shopping spree. Tay & Shannon were still with us, so we all explored the town. Mum bought a LOT of fudge, and some other sweet things.
If you don't know, Hahndorf is a German town, and there are many, many, many sweet stores there.

For dinner we went to... guess... a restaurant. Mum & Dad made the mistake of ordering a meat platter and they pulled me into it. It was literally a mountain of badly cooked meat with nothing else, no greens to wash it down or anything, just meat. Meat. Meat.

Of course, we played Up & Down the River again, and ate some fudge.

Hello. This is Cooper from 7 weeks into the future, 3 days 'til Christmas, talking. Just wanted to say that we still haven't eaten all the fudge.

- Meat Platter -

- Hahndorf Streets -

- More Streets -

- Old Place..? -

- Food -

- 🎶Waka waka, we on the side, we on the side, waka waka...🎶 -

- Ze' place we stayed for dinner at Hahndorf -

- Whyalla Jetty -


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