More contact has been made! [Friends' Place & Victor Harbour]


And so, our time with Taylor and Shannon has ended... but the trip must go on!

Yeesh, those titles are so dramatic. I will admit though, I am very sad that they're gone. It was good having some more people around.

Anyway, after Hahndorf, where Taylor and Shannon drove away and left us, we headed to Charleston, which wasn't very far away, only about a 20 minute drive.

Fun fact; one of our old friends lives here, so we stayed at their farm. Whew, their farm...

Had more than a few vehicles. I estimate... 2 million utes, 5 thousand buggies, 3 hundred tractors, and... I'm kidding. But still, there was a lot of motor-mayhem happening here.

Besides the odd amount of vehicles, we had a good time, excluding Mum, who had terrible hayfever.

Next stop, Victor Harbour! Since Coffin Bay, this is the first location where it was just us again.

We stayed here for 3 days, and while Mum and Dad were chillin', I was working on a School Captain speech for when I get back to school, as I'm going for School Captain.

Near the beach is Granite Island, an island. We explored it while walking around a little, but not for very long.

And we had dinner one night at a pizzeria and had everything but pizza, because that's what you're meant to do. Duh.

Oh! There was also a Blood-Lunar Eclipse while we were here, so the moon was red, AND big! Looked very cool.

That's really all there is to mention about this place. Down below are some pictures, so take a peek, take a little peek peek, take a little peek.

- Granite Island -

- Our van at our friend's place -

- Bridge to Granite Island (The shot is taken from the island) -

- Thomas and me -

- Bridge to Granite Island, again -

- Lunar Eclipse, doesn't look red in the picture, but it was -


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