WAIT! THE CORAL IS ALL DEAD?!? Anyway... [Coral Bay]

Woah. It's so small! The town is so small! Coral Bay. Me likey. The town was small as heck, but we stayed here for ten days nevertheless - because the was a lot to do here. The Beach. Wow. I can't believe there's a beach at a place called Coral Bay. But seriously, this place was noice. There's large shallow areas that you can stand and swim in - which we played catch in. Lots... a nd lots... and lots... eek... of fish swam playfully around us and we had a good time. Quadbikes! On the third or so day, we took a quadbike tour in the sand dunes. They were fast. They were furious. They were... Fast'n'furio- nah, I'm not writing that. But these things are a blast. It took Mum a little bit to get a hang of 'em, but after that we were all speeding around. I had to sit on the back of Dad's one, but I was secretly steering. I'm kidding. You could also hire buggies, but we didn't do that. Bill's. Across the road from our place was a restaurant c...