Get in ma belly! [Exmouth.]
Ima whale! Blub blurb blab!
🎶 Ex...mouth! Mouth go eat! Eat to my belly, 'cause whale's don't have feet! 🎶
🦗 🦗 🦗
Like my song? I thought it was a masterpiece.
For me, Exmouth was about the whales. Those graceful, blubeautiful creatures. We took a tour while we were here, and wow, these things are abundant, yet still so special.
The park, RAC Exmouth, was also amazing. Easily nicest facilities yet, but we don't really use camp kitchens much.
We could have taken a 'Swim With Whales' tour, but we think we kind of missed it. Apparently at this time of year, they'll just be like one whale and then every boat goes chasing after it and it just didn't seem too great. So we passed on that one.
It was also Father's day while we were here, so we took Dad to a restaurant called 'Exhale'... It ex-seems ex-everwhere ex-has 'ex' at the beginning! And of course, when we let Dad choose lunch, we had pies. ShOcKiNg!
I wonder what Currentmouth will be like, 'cause Ex-mouth was pretty cool. I would have liked a bit more time at here, but I'm sure the next few days will be well spent at Coral Bay.
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