WAIT! THE CORAL IS ALL DEAD?!? Anyway... [Coral Bay]


Woah. It's so small! The town is so small!

Coral Bay. Me likey. The town was small as heck, but we stayed here for ten days nevertheless - because the was a lot to do here.

The Beach.

Wow. I can't believe there's a beach at a place called Coral Bay. But seriously, this place was noice. There's large shallow areas that you can stand and swim in - which we played catch in. Lots... and lots... and lots... eek... of fish swam playfully around us and we had a good time.


On the third or so day, we took a quadbike tour in the sand dunes. They were fast. They were furious. They were... Fast'n'furio- nah, I'm not writing that. But these things are a blast. It took Mum a little bit to get a hang of 'em, but after that we were all speeding around. I had to sit on the back of Dad's one, but I was secretly steering. I'm kidding. You could also hire buggies, but we didn't do that.


Across the road from our place was a restaurant called 'Bill's' we visited there about three times, it was just so easy to walk across the street and wham bam you have dinner, y'know? I was obsessed with the chicken and chorizo linguine, so I had that all three times.

By the way, there was a supermarket here, but it was a little expensive, so if you're going here, make sure to bring some stuff.

All the coral was dead, but apparently it's a good thing, almost like a controlled fire. I really, really loved Coral Bay, and I'd like to go again.

That's all I have to say, but the pictures below would like to chat if you don't mind. Geez, that was a bit of a weird joke.

- The three of us -


- Wow... that's a pretty cinematic photo... -

- Sunset Cruise -


  1. Coral Bay seems like a fantastic place to stay, glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Sure was! There's many more fantastic places to come, too!

  2. We saw the quad bikes come down when we were at 5 fingers. They looked like lots of fun
    The coral was also pretty good there as well


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