Captain Cook SUCKS. MIC DROP. [Cooktown]

Australian history is very #Bog 🎶We are at Cooktown, The very best place, For going to a museum, And looking at Cap'n's Cook's FACE. I did a song before in a blog, And it was much better, If you want to see that-a one, Click on this letter --> A. 🎶 We stayed at Cooktown for a WHILE. As in, 6 whole days. That kind of while. Turns out, it was a pretty good amount of time. So, it's time to go full Blogger God Mode. We woke up on day one and went to the market in the morning for breakfast, but just like the movie "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Part Two: The De-anisaurs Attack" , it wasn't particularly amazing. We had also visited the lookout at the top of a mountain because why not. We went to the Botanical Gardens because I wanted to LEAF the van for a little while. ಥ_ಥ It seemed to have a very big theme on the colour red. The Botanical Gardens also led to a 'lil walking track, so went down that hoping to find a crocodile. Unfortunately we...