TRIPLE BANGER!!! Chickens, Planes, and Dinosaurs! [Tambo, Longreach, & Winton]


Our chicken is USELESS!    

Hi! Cooper snooper here. This blog is on three locations, because I just learned the other day that 3 is greater than 1. There's no particular reason, it's not like these places are linked or anything, it's simply because we didn't stay at any of them for very long, so I'm putting them together to create an even larger pile of garbage for you to read. LET'S BEGIN.


Tambo was a lil' town that we stayed at for 1 night after Charlotte Plains. It didn't have anything too special about it, except for one thing. Before dinner, we went to Ben's Chicken Racing. Like the name suggests, there was 12 chickens - all dyed different colours - racing laps around the Schnitzel Stadium. They all had very stupid names, like Apricot Chicken, who I promise is named after her dye colour and nothing else. 

You could bet on a chicken, so we bet on "Sparkles" who was absolutely USELESS! 😡😡😡 #OurChickenRacerWasReallyBad

Cheating is 100% allowed, so the chickens, which are meant to be running 4 laps (there's an RC car with food guiding them) but if a chick wanted to, they could just stay at the finish line and cross at the end. Sparkles was doing that, so we hoped she would cheat it, but at the end of the last lap, she started running BACKWARDS. 25 bucks wasted.

- Beautiful -


Longreach is the starting point and home of QANTAS, as in the airline. We visited the Qantas Founders Museum, which was really interesting, and I think I have a newfound respect for Qantas, which stands for Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Service by the way. We read up on some history, which Dad took FOREVER to read, checked out some planes, and stared at some models. Noice.

We also had dinner at Harry's Restaurant, which was a little bit fancy. And we could draw on the tablecloth, so that's already a slay.

- The First Ever Plane To Have A Toilet (BogDog Approved) -

- This is what planes used to look like?! Sheeeeeeeeesh -

- You know it's fancy because of how the macaroon is placed on an angle -

- AVRO BABY!!! -


Winton is the home of Age of the Dinosaurs Museum and Lab.

... it kinda sucked. The lab tour was boring. The collection room was good. The footprint room was average. And don't think I was just being some bored kid, Mum and Dad also thought that it wasn't the best, but they told me not to tell anybody, so... oh.

I'm not hating on the place, I still thought the collection room was cool and the footprint place was interesting-ish, but it could have been better. What I'm saying is, maybe instead of spending 4 million dollars on a walkway, they should make the tours a bit better. (and I'm not kidding about the 4 million dollars)

Anyway, before you clicking off because you have way better things to do than read some idiot's travel blog, leave a comment! It's always really nice to read through them! And check out the map too, it's right here. CLICK ME.

- Da Chisel Place -

- Some boney joint -

- Bonebastic Sideye -

- Why it look like that -

- Footprint Room -


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