Captain Cook SUCKS. MIC DROP. [Cooktown]


Australian history is very #Bog

🎶We are at Cooktown,
The very best place,
For going to a museum,
And looking at Cap'n's Cook's FACE.
I did a song before in a blog,
And it was much better,
If you want to see that-a one,
Click on this letter --> A. 🎶

We stayed at Cooktown for a WHILE. As in, 6 whole days. That kind of while. Turns out, it was a pretty good amount of time. So, it's time to go full Blogger God Mode.

We woke up on day one and went to the market in the morning for breakfast, but just like the movie "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Part Two: The De-anisaurs Attack", it wasn't particularly amazing. We had also visited the lookout at the top of a mountain because why not.

We went to the Botanical Gardens because I wanted to LEAF the van for a little while. ಥ_ಥ It seemed to have a very big theme on the colour red. The Botanical Gardens also led to a 'lil walking track, so went down that hoping to find a crocodile. Unfortunately we couldn't see any. But, as they say, it's the ones you don't see.

On one day we went 4 wheel driving - because we have 4 wheels, duh - on the Bloomfield Track. It wasn't a very tricky track, but we still managed to burn out the brakes... 😳 the beaches at the end were pretty nice as well. It was cool just to look around at the jungle-y area, even if the closest thing to a river crossing was like 10 metres.

All of the days have sort of merged into one, but on what I THINK was the last day we visited the Cook Museum. We did more reading than a little brother after finding their sister's diary. We learnt quite a lot about Cook, the Bama (the indigenous Australians who met cook and his crew) and what went down on the 48 days Cook was there.
Turns out the Bama were really nice to Cook and welcomed them pretty nicely. Cook's crew on the other hand stole too many of the land's turtles and ended up shooting one of the Bama. 😶 Then, once Cook returned from his visit to Australia, he said the Bama were hostile! Bruh. The only time the Bama were hostile was when they lit a fire at the crew's camp, which was only because they took too many turtles and wouldn't put them back!

There was also a bunch of other annoying things as well, like how Australia had been deemed, "Terra Nullius" which means "Unoccupied and lawless" which was very false. Anyway, I'm going to stop being a history teacher now, before I start reading out Jaz's search history. (she's been trying to figure out how to get infinite treats. Sneaky dog.)

Back to Cooktown, we went to three different places for dinner. First night we went to Sovereign Resort, which was pretty good, be it expensive. Another night we had some DIS-GOOS-TING tacos at some pub... enough said. And on another night we went to a Thai joint. That was damn good. It was cheaper yet better then the Sovereign Resort food. Look at me being all review-y.

I think I'll wrap it up there for Cooktown. Why? Because the bush turkeys are demanding their daily sacrifice, so I better attend to that. Oops. I've said too much. Don't tell them I told you that, okay? I've put some pictures down below, so check, check, check 'em out!

- A mountain view, believe it or not -

- A cannon to protect Cooktown from Russia (it only had 3 cannonballs) -

- A vewy mini lighthowse -


- Some flowers. Google Lens said the middle one was an octopus. -


  1. How did you burn out the brakes and do you know how to change them

  2. 100% Filter Btw and Ye how did u burn out the brakes????

  3. that last flower is so pretty!

  4. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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