Wrong Weather, Wrong Time, [Bremer Bay]

Eh, could've been better. We arrived at Bremer Bay at the wrong time. By that, I mean wrong weather. The beach was amazing looking, but it wasn't exactly nice beach weather. It was a bit cold, and not incredibly sunny. We took a bike ride to a brewery one day, but to be honest, that's really all we did here. We went on a few walks to the beach, and there was this one hill that Jazzy loved jumping down. She kept running back up it just so she could jump off of it again. Cute. I though this place was just a bit of a filler, and I wouldn't go again I think. Down below are some photos of our stay, so take a peek. - Dog and Boy - - Water we going to do?!?! - CRIIIIIINGE - [ Insert wow sound here. ] - - Isn't she wonderful? -