I Think I Might Have A New Favourite... [Monkey Mia]


Okay, it's nice. But where's the monkeys?

Monkey Mia. Delicious. Nom nom nom. Okay, but seriously, this place has 'resort' written all over it. Next to the beach? Check! Super nice facilities? Check! Has it's own bar? Yep! Alright, but only a true resort would have it's own cafe/restaurant. Well it does!

The RAC Monkey Mia Resort was great. Like I just said, there's a bar and a cafe/restaurant, so there's no need to even leave the place to grab a meal. Did I mention that dolphins come up to the shore for a snack every day? It might as well be called Dolphin Dan, 'cause there ain't no monkeys! The dolphins were pretty awesome, though. Usually multiple would come up at a time, and they were so playful. You could see them looking at you, and they're kinda cute.

We also went to a little lagoon called Little Lagoon... who doesn't love some literal naming? We didn't do to much there except talk to some folks, but I got to hang off the side of the car, so yay.

I should probably mention that we stayed at a place called Carnarvon, which we all found hard to pronounce properly. We only stayed there for two nights, but Dad watched a footy game there, which might be the only thing to care about.

I really loved Monkey Mia - because me likes some resorts.

As always, there's some photos down below, so feel free to check 'em out!

- The Beach -

- Dolphins and the swan -
Geez, that sounds like a book title.

- He's looking atcha! -

- Boy & Dog -

- A Wild Emu Exploring the Park Casually -

- Mama Bear'n'Baby Bear

- Mum took this photo even though she didn't make this -

Down below is the comment section, so comment away!


  1. I've always wanted to go to Monkey Mia - now I want to go even more. 😫 I love reading your blog Cooper xx

    1. Aw thanks! I'm so sorry for not seeing this sooner! 😵


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