Margaret River & Denmark. (Marge Simpson Likes "Carrets" and is in the Market for Dens.)


Wow. You clicked on this?! With THAT title?

Margaret River.

Margaret River was all about wineries. I'm all good with platters and stuff, but wine... nuh nuh nuh. What I'm saying is, I usually find them just a pinch boring.

So, instead of talking about Margaret River's pride, I'm just gonna talk about the other stuff that I found interesting. 'Cause it's my blog, I do what I want! If you wanted to hear about the wineries then read something else.

ANYWAY, we were staying at a family owned ranch here, with sheepo, guinea pigo, and chickeno. I liked the guinea pigs. The noises they make are very cute.

There's this one spot at the ranch that is just guinea pig CITY. They're under trees, sitting with chickens, under tables, on the ground, EVERYWHERE. 250 of them.

Dad and I also went for a run/walk mixture late in the afternoon. We had to cross a river. Now obviously we both got our nice shoes wet and one of us wasn't piggyback-ed to the other side. Hehe, no, of course not.

We also went to Mammoth Cave, which, like the name states, is massive. We learned a lot of cave terms and facts, and it was pretty cool. It was this long board walk that went into the cave, and we were given the 'Audio Devices' that played different facts and history as we walked through the cave.

Okay, I think that's all I really have to say here. I would not come here again, not until I'm into wine at least, but here's some photos, so take a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong looooooooooooooooooooook.(Also make sure to keep scrolling because there's another text on Denmark.)

- Mammoth Cave -

- Jaz Enjoyed Her Meal -

- Mum & I -


- Cave Bacon -

- Dog Must Sit At The Table Too! -

- Troy, Troy, Troy of the Jungle, Watch out for that Tree! -

- Pretty... -


Denmark, like Margaret river, was also a bit about the wineries. But this time, they were GOOD. By that I mean one of them were good.

Duckett's Mill, is the name, and wow, the food and drink. Noice! I don't think Mum or Dad even cared about the wine. I had a toastie with chicken, camembert, pear slices, quince paste, and a dab of delicious. It was... indeed... DELICIOUS.

Mum and Dad had such a massive platter that they couldn't even finish it! There's a first time for everything I suppose.

The caravan park was pretty cool, too. You could hire those pedal go karts... Man-powered karts? Man-powered GO karts? Go Kart Pedal Edition? Whatever you call it, they had them. So we hired them at the most optimal time... the morning we were leaving. That was fun!

What WASN'T fun was the whaling station. There's a whaling station in Albany, it's shut down, thank god. But you can purchase a history pass thingy which let's you explore the place. So in a nutshell, people on a boat would fire a harpoon at a whale, the harpoon would stab into it, then the tip would explode, killing the whale from the inside. Then they drag the corpse along, bring it onto a deck back on land where some guys would tear apart the body limb by limb. THEN they put it in the 'cookers' where the whale oil is taken out, then they get the meat out to sell, steal their bones, and done. It's, er, not a very nice experience...

Anyway, some photos will be below, so take an observation.

- That's a whale, with me, for scale! -

- Magic. -

- Such a cute couple... -

- Chocolate? Hm? -

- Hope you aren't afraid of heights -

- Platter -


  1. Pretty interesting, nice food and commentary


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