One Step Down! Only 1,799 to go! [Busselton]


That's One Long Jetty! Oh, and Volleyball is back!

This RAC park was crazy. Mini golf, parkour course, cricket, BMX track, jumping pillow, playground, swings, volleyball court, basketball court, you name it! They HAVE it.

Of course, we played volleyball. This time with a big net on some nice soft sand. Another family joined us so it was 3V3. Very fun. I think I would like to take up Volleyball, 'cause I do really like it.

But the big special event was the bike ride to Busselton Jetty! The longest jetty in the world! Oh, never mind, there's a bigger one in Mexico. The longest jetty in the Southern Hemisphere. Okay, scratch that. There's a longer one in Queensland. The longest TIMBER jetty in the Southern Hemisphere! Whoo!

The actual ride to the beginning was about 10 k's. But then the walk to the end of the jetty was 1.8 k's! A jetty! 1.8 kilometres! Made of timber! {Insert crowd clapping audio file here.} When we arrived back at the van, we had rode a total of 20 k's. Great! Now I can add that to my Strav - oh. Rides don't count towards my walk goal. How sad.

Down below are some photos of Busselton Jetty! You may observe.

- See that whale painting underneath me? It's life size! -

- There's actually a train that goes on the jetty, it's just that long. We didn't take it, though. -

- ^ Papa Bear   ^Baby Bear  ^Mama Bear -

- The only directions you'll ever need -


  1. What a great day out. I think I'd catch the train though. ( I wonder why their very long jetty doesn't fall apart when ours back home does?)

  2. Those whales are really massive!

  3. i hart bussellton definatle won of my farourites on my tirp seway


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