Lobster go bye-bye. 😩 [Cervantes]


Volleyball! Finally!

I don't remember doing that much at Cervantes. What I do remember is five things; LOBSTER. Volleyball. Pinnacles. Sand Dune Buggies. And I forgot what the fifth thing was. But it was a calm place to stay.

The park was really nice, cool pool area - but you know how it is - we NEVER use the pool. Cervantes was all about lobster, really. We went to the 'Lobster Shack' for lunch one day. Mum and Dad had... guess... lobster. But I was really put off because you could see them in a tank being pulled out and killed... not that I would've liked them anyway...

This was actually the first place on the trip where we used our volleyball that we brought. We have a little pop up net thingamajig and we had a good game!

We also checked out the Pinnacles, this big yellow sandy area with some limestone rocks that stood up like buildings. Like, uh... pinnacles. We found some funny shapes in them and took some good pics.

On the way to Perth, our next stop, we paused and decided to hire some DUNE BUGGIES. 😎 BA BA BA BAA. Drivin' over the sandy hills was really exciting. We were meant to stay in a line and follow a guide. But Dad didn't like said guide because he slowed us down, and DAD wanted to zoom zoom! So he would slow down to make a large gap, and then... 

"Babe slow down! Slow down!"
- LJ
"Heehee. Woo!"
- Troy
"I like Dad's driving."
- Cooper

Even though it was small, and we weren't there for long, Cervantes was really fun. As always, you'll find some photos below, so take a peek, take a little peek peek, take a little peek.  

- Mum with Prawns -

- Me on a totally 100% real boat -

- Us with a Dune Buggy -

- Are we... FLOATING?!?! -

- Some of the many... many... pinnacles -


  1. Lobster! Sounds like a dream place to be. Great writing Coops. I also love your new mountain bike/Mario Kart style video.


    1. Hey! Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! It's also good when people comment because then I actually know who's reading my blogs!

      Cooper 😀


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