Here we go again....

Hullo peoples. Cooper here, the King of Bogs.

I know, I know, big deal

Fun fact: we are going on another trip around Australia. Yes, you read that correctly. We are GOIN' AGAIN!

Last time we travelled through South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia, and back home. But THIS time, we're gonna be checking out what we missed last time, which is the East Coast! We're going to zoom up to the top of Queensland, than slowly making our way down the coast. You can see where we're going here, or via the Map Tab on the blog home page.

When I say "we" I mean my Dad (Troy), 

my Mum (Lorna or LJ),

my dog (Jaz a.k.a. BogDog)

and me, Cooper. In our awesome van, we spent half of 2022 away from home, and now we're spending a quarter of 2023 doing the same - just in Queensland and New South Wales this time. This blog may have seemed quite formal, but to be honest, this is a one of a kind. I try to make my blogs funny and interesting to read, and it's in my voice. If you want to see our trip from my Mum, you can check out our Facebook (link on the side bar on the home page). But anyway, to all the returning readers and newbogs alike, THE BLOG IS BACK.


  1. Thats seems pretty cool!

  2. That sounds amazing Btw Will is cool

  3. Replies
    1. Hello! Can you let me know how you got your name to not be anonymous? I want to tell everyone so I'm not getting mysterious comments. 🤐


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