The Air is full of Midgies! [Airlie Beach]


Try our new special, Sunshine with a side of Awe!

Airlie Beach. Very slay, as they say. Airlie Beach had a really awesome feel in the town. There was a market every Saturday, heaps of amazing restaurants, and grass clearing next to the water. In our time, we explored the market, when on bike rides, went on some sunset cruises of debatable quality, and MORE. (⊙o⊙)

- One sunset cruise was nice… but just nice. After the sunset, all that was left to do was sit and wait to dock again while listening to cringe music. I don't even know what you would even call the music. Bog.

- Dad & I were planning to go JetSki-ing at some point but the company said the the water was too choppy, so they suggested we didn’t go. Second bog. I was looking forward to that. Anyway, my favourite part of Airlie Beach was just the atmosphere. The waterfront cafes, the bars, everything was just so alive. Even the caravan park, with bird feeding every day and food trucks every night. 
We went to out to dinner almost every night, from what I remember. Mexican, Buffet-ian, even Queensland-ian. Noice.

- I may have forgot to mention that Airlie is in the Whitsundays. In other words, there is 74 islands hanging out in close proximity. One of those is Hamilton Island, which we've already been to on a holiday before, so we didn't bother with that.

 Fun fact: only 8 of the 74 Whitsundays actually have any infrastructure on them.

We had a day out on the Camira, a boat that is very, very, speedy. We had Jazzy looked after while we hung out in the sun on a purple boat eating a burger. Sorry Jaz, and yes, the Camira is purple. It dropped us off on an island, where we walked to Whitehaven Beach. The sand there was BEAUTIFUL and so was the water. It was so fine of sand, and the water was so blue I thought it had food colouring in it. We had a dip, but was then called back to Camira. After that, we then went snorkelling, which I was a little nervous about, but it ended up being really good.

- We also visited a place nearby Hideaway bay, a place that Dad thoroughly enjoyed, and he wanted to stay for longer than we did. Like the name suggests, it was a random little beach with a small restaurant. We hung out for a bit, walked over to a nearby Islet (that’s a word for small island) and had some damn good lunch. I had a slow cooked pork or something but it was with pear slaw and it was chef's kiss. 
- Airlie Beach had a public pool, called the Lagoon, but it was closed off due to some plumbing issues. Unfortunately, we didn’t know that, so we were a bit disappointed when we arrived on bike. Third bog. Instead, Dad and I just played some games which I absolutely THRASHED him in - and then met up with Mum.

- The caravan park had a Jumping PAD, not to be confused with a Jumping Pillow. While a pillow is very bouncy & rises gradually from the ground, a pad sucks at bouncing and just DROPS OFF at the edges, with apparently is "SaFeR fOr ThE kIdS". It might not seem like a big deal, but it is. It is a very big deal. A bigger deal than a toaster toasting bread into toast.

Anyway, that's pretty much all for Airlie Beach. This blog didn't really do it justice, because it was really amazing. But I think it would be a bit boring if I kept on babbling. Some pics are hanging out below, so #TakeALookAtThePhotosInsteadOfReadingTheBlog.

- Mama Bear Snorkelling :D -

- Camira -


- Human + Dog -

- Ooooooh, the sky is over-exposed! -

- Awww, what a cute couple -

- We had to float for a long time to get this picture -


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