The show has begun! [Darlington Point]


And so it begins...

Hoi guys. I'm writing this in the car to Bourke, and we are VIBRATING. Google decided to take us on a dirt track because of some closed road and let me tell you, the wheels on the car are going round and round, round and round. Too much.

Anybog, now that the road has smoothened out, let me get back to the story. Now where was I... right. I hadn't started yet. The first location on our trip was Darlington Point. We stayed there for 2 nights, and it was mostly just getting back into the swing of van life. On the full day, we took a stroll next to the Murrumbidgee River. Then we drove to Griffith, a nearby Italian town. There was a lot of Italian cafes but a lot of them weren't very appealing, so we found a snug lil' place called Limone.

"Eh eh eh. Is a  limone!"

*eats it and dies*

... but yeah, it was really cosy and the food was chef's kiss. The sourdough with balsamic and oil was to die for.

We had also read that Griffith had a sculpture park, so we checked that out, but it kinda sucked. The "ScUlPtUrE pArK" was some abstract stone thingos hanging out on this strip of grass. One of them was literally a rock. I think they're from Ohio. 

After that, we headed back to our van, and had some leftover pizza for dinner. 

Some pictures are vibing down below, so take a peek, take a lil' peek peek, take a lil' peek. © And, feel free to leave a commento!

- Murrumbidgee River -

- Mum & Dad by the Fire -

- Limone Cafe (I was taking the photo) -

- The rig -

- US -


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