Oof. This is awesome. [Esperance]


RAC really outdid themselves this time.

Okay, so I know the last two blogs have been a bit, er, short and boring, but to tell the truth, I really didn't have much to say for those locations! Esperance, however, is a different story.

We stayed at an RAC park, which always have a reputation for being really nice. This park did NOT ignore that reputation. The camp kitchens were so lovely, we actually used them! Can you believe that? Us - use the camp kitchen! Incredible! Oh, and the pool is warm for once. I'm actually writing this in the camp kitchen.

Esperance has some fantastic beaches, on our first day, which should really be a travelling day but we came a day early, we drove around a loop which showed off all the beachs. Blue Haven, Salmon Beach, Twilight Beach, this beach, that beach, oh mah gawd there's a lot. All of them, however, were magnificent! Rocks, cliffs, SAND, they have it all!

We had Subway for once in long time here, and I had forgotten HOW GOOD those Subway cookies are. Anyway, we went on a bike ride up this stupid hill, and even though we were meant to go further, Mum don’t want to back up the hill so she turned back. I may have too.

There was a ‘Pet Pamper Station’ at the caravan park, which we haven’t seen before, but we DiDn’T gEt ArOuNd To It. So Jaz is still BogDog in my eyes. Love her though.

Esperance was pretty coolio. Down below are some photos, so take a look!

- Rocko -

- Parachutists -

- Check out the colour! -

- Distance shot -

- Car trips -

- Is it a skull? Is it a squid? Guess we'll never know -

- Nice -

- Ooh yeah -


  1. BogDogs are my favourite breed!!! Can’t wait to read about the special visitors you had in coffin bay ❤️

  2. Bogdogs are your favourite breed too?! Hmph. Rightfully so.


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