Heathcote ~ Gaffney's Bakery


Baking Up Some Smiles

Hungry. No one likes being hungry, not that I know of anyway...

After arriving at Heathcote; our third location on the Big Lap, we were HUNGRY. Luckily, angels from the heavens blessed us with... drumroll please... Gaffney's Bakery. Honestly I don't really know where I'm going with this. But if we skip ahead past all my weird attempts to write something cool and get to the point, Gaffney's Bakery was AWESOME. I say, "Awesome," like it's a theme park or something, but it is just a bakery. But that bakery is not a bakery that is referred to as, "Just a bakery," so please ignore that fact that I just referred to it like that. This was a massive bakery and the food was very nice, especially the pies. I'm sure my Dad would agree, but then again my Dad agrees any pie is nice, even Melted Crayola & Twig Pie! "As long as they're pies, they get five out o' fives" - Dad. The bakery had great drinks, savoury, and sweets. I would definitely recommend. BUT at the time of writing, there are two buildings in the town with a, "Gaffney's Bakery," sign, but one one of them is empty, as they recently moved out of it, so make sure you go to the right one.




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