Never did I think a shopping centre would be so cool… [Treasure Island]


I like me some treasure. That treasure be gold. The Gold Coast.

After leaving our friends (very tragic) we went to Treasure Island, near Surfers Paradise. And oh boy, this caravan park was the most kid-friendly park I have ever seen.

- One pool, with a slide.
- Another pool, with a water fall.
- A third pool because why not..
- A splash park.
- Basketball court.
- Outdoor cinema.
- Jumping PILLOW.
- Mini golf.
- Go karts.
- In-park restaurant.
- Staff run activities.
- Multiple playgrounds.

I could go on. Anyway, apart from the caravan park, the actual location was honestly a bit “meh”.
It was nice, don’t get me wrong, but this was the first place that felt like a city. Or, Surfers Paradise did, anyway. Treasure Island was alright.

While we were here, we met up with a cousin of mine, Nick. We had lunch with him, and then walked down the beach, as there was currently an art festival thingo, so there was a bunch of artworks to look at, though some were better than others.

Some pieces of art were really amazing, like my favourite, which was a wooden squiggle that sat on the rocks. Other's were a bit... different. Like a bunch on street bins that costed roughly 7,000 for some reason.

We also went to Harbour Town Shopping Centre one day and it was SO COOL. The centre was absolutely massive, and it’s not inside like you might think. There’s no roofs throughout the walking areas so it feels like a town rather than your classic mall. There was a food court area which was so pretty. Really good restaurants everywhere you looked with plants and greenery covering everything like paint in a paintball course. Dad was looking for some golf shoes, but sadly, despite the fact there was like a million stores, he couldn’t find any in his size. Bog.

Even before we actually got here, we stopped driving to have a chat with some people at a Cafe who lived up here. We had to keep driving though, so we kept going.

Anyway, that’s it for Treasure Island. Some photos are just WAITING for you down below, so take a lookioso.

- Mum's hiding spot. It's a hole. -

- Some cool artworks (The bottom right was my favourite) -

- Some people we had a chat with on our way here - 

- Harbour Town Shopping Centre -

- Food Court -


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