Hervey Bay! Check it out! [Hervey Bay & K'gari]

Stuff Day.

Yo. Cooper here. Did you know that Hervey Bay is cool? In case you didn't allow me to teach you;
Hervey Bay is cool.
Now that you know, let's talk about it.

One of the main attractions of Hervey Bay is K'gari, previously known as Fraser Island. It recently had an official name change, and K'gari is pronounced like "Curry" but with a G instead of a C. The K is silent. 

We headed over to K'gari by first getting picked up from a caravan park via bus, then taken over to the island by ferry, and then hopping into a 4-wheel-drive bus. We had to do a lot of sitting. The bus ride was very bumpy, and very long, but after a while we arrived at one of the towns. Our driver then took us down the beach, where we could take a look at the Maheno Shipwreck. Before that, however, us three took a fifteen minute plane ride over the island. It was pretty sick, but they didn't go over the ocean like they said they would. Bog.

After the shipwreck, we were taken to what Dad likes to call 'A natural lazy river', which is exactly what it is. A shallow, slow, warm river that people walked and floated down. We walked down it for a bit, and that was awesome. Sadly, we didn't have the time to stay for long, because we had other places to see. Our bus then took us to lunch, and then to a lake. A very photo-worthy lake. 

After that, we headed over to a board walk along a creek. From a far, the water seems to have moss floating on top, when in reality, the water was so clear that would looked like moss was actually sand from the floor of the creek.

Besides K'gari, Hervey bay still had more to offer. On Tuesday, Jazzy was getting groomed, so we had the day to not worry about her. So, we made up "Stuff Day" which basically translates to "Did a lot of random things today" day.
First we dropped Jaz off at the groomers, and then had breakfast... which was... interesting. Dad found a spray bottle which was meant to be used on birds but instead he started firing it at us, so then a war broke out.
I was firing my Spraysniper, while Dad was duel-wielding some Sprayspammers. It was the fight of a lifetime. We got so wet that it was like we just took a step out of the shower.
That was fun. Anyway, after brekky we played some mini golf, which was really good. One of the best mini golfs I've seen. Then we went in the pool, which was heated for once. THEN we played a card game. THEN Dad and I went for a run. THEN we had dinner. THEN we went on a ride on a Beam Scooter.
So yeah, Stuff Day was pretty cool. I'm working on a video for it.

The caravan park had a jumping pillow, which is much better than a jumping pad, like the one at Airlie. Yay. Anybog, that's it for Hervey. I've been trying to upload the video of Dad sparying us but it's not cooperating, so this will have to do. Check out the the photo's below and have a great day/night/dog.

- The CHONKIEST pancakes -

- High in the sky -

- No, it's not moss floating on the water, it's the sand on the floor of it! -

- Lazy river, in real life edition -


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