Ranges are High, Power is Low

*Annoyingly these photos have appeared at the top and refuse to go down, so when you're done 'admiring' them, just scroll down and you'll find the actual text.

Flinder's Ranges and Turning Troubleshooting Pages.

So far, Flinder's Ranges hasn't been the best. Sure, we've done some fun stuff, we've played some games, watched some things, but ALL of that was inside because so far it's been straight raining. Okay, maybe not STRAIGHT raining, but still quite a bit. One thing we did outside of the soggy sad splashy site was go to the almighty,


Alright, alright, we've only seen the outer rim of it at the time of writing, but we're planning on heading into it tomorrow.

Also, for anyone who is following along, sorry for how late this blog was, the reception here pretends it's 4G but it's definitely not, BUT to make up for that, this Blog now has a new feature, (It may not be new anymore though, depending when you're reading,) The FAQ page! Check it out when you can.

Our power and water supply has been tripping out as well so we're getting the first feel of what being off road will be like. Speaking of, if you were wondering, we have an entire other setup ready in case there's anywhere we can't take the van. We have this amazing tent, a mini barbeque for the car, a fridge, so even when we're not in the caravan we can have a good time. See you guys for now!


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