Streaks on the Bay! [Streaky Bay]


Bay of the streaks

Hm. Streaky Bay. I don’t know what to think of this one. We didn’t do that much, but the things we DID do were pretty cool, or should I say cute?

SEA. LIONS. ARE. VERY. ADORABLE. We watched them chilling on the beach from high up on a hill, and they are so cute. They’re all just lying around on the rocks, on their tummy, on their back, on their side. Either way, so cute. 

They’d be hit by waves on the beach, but couldn’t be bothered to move, so they would stay there. Until finally, after being hit by lots of waves, he decided to get up and move… 5 steps, then flopped back down. They’re so lazy in the cutest way possible! Also, it may not have seemed there was that many of them, but if you really look, we found 63 of them all relaxing on the beach.

What’s a shame is that they are very picky animals, so they’re endangered not because of humans, but just because of their own bad habits! But I’m not gonna talk about that, so if you’re interested then look it up yourself.

We visited Chocolate Mousse Island, which is a tiny island like 20 metres from the beach, and it’s called Chocolate Mousse Island (it may have been me who named it that just now) because the sand was like liquid! So smooshy!

We also did some 4-wheel-driving on some sandy tracks which was pretty fun. EXCEPT. The silly blue tongue lizards! They are always crossing the road! So we’re always stopping! It’s so weird, they have heaps of land on each side, yet they still decide to cross the road every day.

Murphy’s Haystacks can be described in three words; Cool. But. Flies.

Anyway, that’s all for Streaky, and next up is Coffin Bay! Where we have some special guests…

- This pathway was a little... flooded -

- Chocolate Mousse Island -

- Jaz! You got sand in your beard! -

- *takes in beauty* -

- Wobbly fellow -

- Happy guys -


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