All Aboard the Grand Princess! [Dunedin]



Ba ba ba baaaaaa! I hope everybody is doing goooood. These next few blogs are going to be about my time on the Grand Princess Cruise Ship - which is going to New Zealand - with Mum, Dad, and my Nana and Poppa.

Except you probably don’t care about the ship, and this blog is called Travel Monkey, so I’m just gonna talk about the offshore excursions we’ll have. If you do want a ship blog, then say so in the comments! Please, I want comments…

Anyway, Dunedin was our first port after three days at sea. We hopped off the ship, and grabbed a shuttle bus to town for… 35 DOLLARS EACH?!?!

Bah, can’t be bothered walking. Poppa kept on talking about once you pay the money, you can ride back and forth however many times you want, though I’m not sure when you’d use that…

One bus trip later and we arrived in a very pretty park. 

… we left immediately.

Anybog, we went to the rail station, which was alright. It was filled up with tiles upon tiles, stained glass windows, and a railway… ObViOuSlY.

After that we headed to the information centre and museum. Now THAT was cooler. Multiple models, screens, texts, restored vehicles and ancient technology were all there for the viewing. You could learn about some native language, some train stuff, boat stuff, tram stuff, old stuff, and even some old painted portraits of people if you’re interested in that. 

Afterwards, Nana and Poppa skidadled back the ship, while us three went to some Chinese gardens, which were very pretty, and then to Speights brewery for something to eat. It was a really cool looking brewery, and had a story and a half behind it. (Check the pictures.) The rugby was on in there and Mum got really stuck into it, even though we’ve never been interested in the sport.

That was Dunedin for us and, hey, that’s pretty good. There are some pictures below, so take a peek squeak.

- Chinese Gardens -

- Railway -

- Railway Station -

- Also, I'm a Ravenclaw by the way. -

- The story of Speight's ( Scroll Down ) -

- The Grand Princess! -

The Story of Speight's

Charles Speight, manager of the brewery and son of the founder, was awarded a CBE for his organisation of the great New Zealand and South Sea Exhibition held in Dunedin in 1925. The resident band for the duration of the exhibition was the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders one of whom, Danny Wilton, enjoyed Speights beer so much that he later returned to Dunedin to work at the brewery. He stayed in the job for 40 years without one day off through illness and attributed his good health to the ten glasses of Speight's he downed every smoko!


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