The most creative name in history!.. ToWnSvIlLe.✨ [Townsville]

First person to name this font in the comments gets a virtual cookie.

Now, I'm not trying to poke fun at anyone who lives in Townsville, but seriously, what is up with the name? I know it's was named after someone's last name being Towns, but in my opinion, Townsville sounds like the the most generic place in existence. If I heard "Townsville" and didn't know what it was, I'd think it was the absolute DEFAULT setting for a town. Except, that is not the case. Far from it. Townsville is great, my friends.

So, let's talk about the place itself. Townsville was super cool, it remined me a lot of Palm Cove, back at Ellis Beach, but I think that was just because of the road being next to the water.

When we first arrived, we checked out the sculpture walk along the beach. Some were quite impressive and interesting. Other's were... let's just say one of them was imported from America, and it can go back there too.

While we were in Townsville, we met up with some friends who lived in the area, similar to what we did in Cooktown. Which I don’t think I actually mentioned in that blog. 🤥 It was good to have a chat with someone other than ourselves for once, and their cats were just… ah. Beautiful. I usually don’t like cats because of their attitude , but these gals were chill. Very cute.

I digress, so back to Townsville. We played a game of Disc Golf! Like the name suggests, it's golf, but with frisbees instead of balls. Rather than hitting balls into holes, you need to throw frisbees at chain hoops. It was free, too, just at some park. It was a really fun activity to pass some time. We weren't counting scores, but it was still a cool little game! Though, it actually wasn't that little...

And I made this just because why not.

Yeah. The most basic thing anyone would have done in that location. Anybog, unfortunately, that's pretty much it for Townsville. The blogs recently are a bit short, but there's nothing else to say. The next blog though - Airlie Beach - should be a different story. There's some pictures down below, and leave a comment. I'll take care of it until you pick it back up.

- "Use the force, Cooper" -

- Wii Sports in real life. That's what the camera angle looks like anyway. -

- Guess which one is the tourist -


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