Why have Mission Beach when you could have Mutarnee? [Mutarnee]


Rain is sadness, Have sun instead.

Here's a fun fact-o-rama for you; Rain is bog. The title says it, the little description thingy up top says it, and I says it. Rain = not good time. I bring this up because we were meant to go Mission Beach after Cairns, but it was all raining, raining, raining. So instead, we made a last minute plan to go to a place called Mutarnee instead.

It was a very good last minute plan. Mutarnee had awesome weather like sun, sun, and more sun. Anyway, we did some stuff in that sun, such as...

We visited this gorge type thingo which was home to some rock slides. What I mean by that is a spot in the gorge where the water's path goes down a small and smooth channel, safe for gliding down. Dad had a slide down, which was great. What wasn't great is that the leaf I was betting on in the Rock Slides Leaf Race didn't win. Bog. There was also a few cool rocks around the place, so I did some tarzan climbing. By that I mean crawling around rocks and then being greeted by some giant spider.

There was this ice cream place nearby, the Frosty Mango. Unfortunately, a tour bus - that we weren't apart of - arrived just as we did, so there a bunch of people in line. BUT one of the staff saw we weren't part of the tour and let us through... 🎤 skip the queue, got to pick our ice cream scoop, but one of the ice creams was like soup, and I don't like that, I want somethin' sick, so I got the one that was most like brick! 🎤 Damn, I should be a rapper. Anyway, there wasn't actually any soup ice cream, it was all normal. Except for the 'lavendar and honey' flavour, which I haven't heard of, but I'm sure it's nice. Maybe. The ice cream we did try was chef's kiss, and this place was not shy about it! I mean, they had merchandise. For an ice cream joint! Crazy.

Big river. Swim spots. Pretty bridge. Cool photo. Walking track. Need I say more? Probably not. But I will because I'm annoying like that. Little crystal creek was a mini gorge spot with lots of little picnic areas, swimming holes, waterfalls, and and ol' bridge to top it off. It had good infrastructure which is a good thing, as long as it doesn't ruin the view - which it didn't. To be honest, if I was naming it, I'd call this one BIG crystal creek.

There was also a dodge pub that we went to for dinner one night, but it had NO atmosphere. There was no music and it was just silence. They had only 2 staff as well and the second one went to go help the first in the kitchen, so there was no one in the actual pub to take people's orders. Bog. I did meet a kid though who apparently had the ability to see ghost clowns and he kept on telling me to hide when he saw one. That was fun.

The park we stayed at was really nice too, be it small. It had an entire other half that is just completely unused for some reason, though. Weird. Anybog, Mutarnee was pretty sick, even though I didn't have much to say about it. There's some photo's down below, as well as the good old comment section, so take a peek, take a lil' peek peek, take a lil' peek.

Hi. My name is Mr invisible.

- Not so Lil' Crystal Creek -

- Water -

- The stairway to the magic faraway tree -

- Here we have a Cooper in it's natural habitat... -

- More water at the Rock Slides -


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