
Super Dooper Dummy Koopa Trooper Cooper here! In Noosa, we had some friends. I like friends. Without friends, you'll be sad. But before we get to Noosa, we stayed shortly at Rainbow Beach.

Rainbow Beach was pretty chill. Unfortunately, the sand is not rainbow, and if it was, some kid would definitely mix up the colours, so I'm glad.
Just like 300 metres from the park was a little water front restaurant, which was really nice. Jazzy could come, too, so that makes it extra nice. We were all hanging out eating dinner watching the impending doom- I mean, storm roll in. Luckily, it got bored and went in a different direction. As for the food, very nom nom. Dad had some fish tacos or something, which was apparently "I'd have that again" worthy, in Dad terms. I had a curry, which was quite spoocy (spicy) but I was fine with it.

Anybog, let's get to Neh-neh-neh-NOOSA. As I said, some of our school friends - the Wrigleys, who had moved to Queensland a few years back - stayed at the caravan park with us... even though they lived like 20 minutes away. It was really fun having a variety in living beings around. They were with us pretty much the whole time, but we also had some OTHER people around - Georgia and Shawn, who didn't stick around for as long, unfortunately, but we made the most of it.

The Wrigley's stayed with us from Friday to Sunday, but we still saw them on Monday. In that time, WE HAD... ✨Pizza for dinner, ✨A BBQ for dinner, ✨Went to their place (which like I said, is very close) for dinner, ✨Rented out a BBQ boat for a day, ✨Went to down the beach and had ice cream, ✨Played some games, ✨Shared some - okay a lot of - platters, ✨Hung out on a Jumping PAD, ✨Went boogie-boarding, ✨Had lunch under a very heavy rainfall and ✨Watched a movie. 
Safe to say, having seven other people around was pretty fun.

"MUM look there's people we ACTUALLY know!!!"
- Cooper, 2023.

As for the caravan park... it was top tier. The pool was warm for once, the games room was so, so, so good, it had three TVs, multiple consoles, and arcade machines. There was movies almost every night. And a pizza van on Tuesday and Friday, and, you know, it's in Noosa.

Side Note; When we had rented the BBQ boat, we saw some gorgeous river side houses which were very, very, VERY modern and very noice. I want all of them.

On the last day, while we were eating some wedges at a restaurant with some OTHER-OTHER friends - who we only saw for a few hours - the weather crashed for a bit. Rain, and a heck of a lot of it. It was over an hour of constant, POWERFUL rain. It was like an actual river just fell onto the ground. The roads were like a lazy river, except not not at all lazy. It's crazy to think that's only a tiny bit of what it would have been like during the floods. 

Anybog, it was really great seeing a whole bunch of people, even if some didn't stay as long as other`s. Noosa itself was beautiful, and I would like to go again if I could. Some pictures are below, so take a peek, take a lil' peek peek, take a lil' peek.

- FRY-ENDS (The Wrigleys) -

- Ooooooh. Riverside houses, baby! -

- (❁´◡`❁) -

- Restaurant at the water (Rainbow Beach) -



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