MASH UP TIME! LET'S A GO. 🎤📣💬🏃‍♂️ [Emu Park, 1770]

The time has come for a mash up.

Hey guys, it's me, your favourite messy hair blogger. This blog is a mash up, not because these places were bog or anything, but just because some of them were pretty short and don't really need their own blog.


Emu park was pretty chill. We played some chess, looked at a tree and realised that the leaves were actually bats, visited an island, sold some stuff. All that jazz.

When I say island, I mean Great Keppel Island. Though, if we're being honest, it wasn't that 'great'. The only place there was to eat anything was pretty dodge, the place felt like it had some missed potential. Despite that, we set up on the beach for half the day and it was great. Jaz dug herself into a hole for some reason, Dad also dug up a chair for some reason, and I was trying to balance on a rope tied between two trees... for some reason. We walked around, Mum and Dad had a swim, and then had lunch.

Even though the restaurant looked dodge, the food wasn't half bad. Turn's out, one of Dad's friends from high school was there so they had a chat.

After the time on the island was up, we hopped back on the boat and headed for home.


1770 was funny. The caravan park seemed as if it was in the middle of nowhere. It just had that kind of feel, but really it was only like two minutes from town. Speaking of town, the marina was interesting. It wasn't super beautiful, but it had a vibe. On our first day, we had a ride on a LARC, a.k.a. an AquaDuck. It was fun driving around in the water, and our guide told us about Captain Cook as well. Apparently the LARC we were sitting in costed 6 million dollars though, which is just... wow. 

We had dinner at a place which I think was called Katrina's, and we got a deal for a bunch of shareable stuff, which was actually really good. 
We also met up with some friends for dinner the next day at a place near the marina after some sun at the beach.

The caravan park's main feature was the massive dog run area, which had it's own whole lake that you could run around! Jaz had a great time! Jaz also had a chicken friend while we were at 1770. She met it when we first arrived and they sort of just hung out, not barking or anything.

Anybog, that's all I can say for Emu Park and 1770. Both spots were really nice/odd, and sometimes it's the little weird spots that are the most fun. Check out the pictures below and see ya!

- The LARC -

- Beach on Great Kepple -

- Don't judge. She was just having fun, okay? -


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